
Welcome to LyricsRingtonesBlog.blogspot.com

We presents to you free lyrics published as a blog, to songs all around the world. Please take note that all lyrics are strictly for educational purpose only, and not for commercial. We do not earn anything from this blog. Perhaps it's a place for learning. If you like the song, please buy an original CD to support the artist.
Thanks. Enjoy!!


Oh gal, oh gal, with your darkened eyes
Kindle the wood and prepare the lies
And don't fail me know
Oh me, oh my, oh beast with might
Drown me with water and burn me with fire
And don't fail me now
Just don't fail me now
You don't do me right
You don't do me right
Why you do me wrong when the rope gets tight?
When the rope gets tight
When the rope gets tight

Oh day, oh night, oh darkened light
Drown me with water and burn me with fire
And don't fail me know
Oh Mary, oh mother of all that is near
Lead me to freedom from my kingdom of fear
And don't fail me now
Just don't fail me now
You don't do me right
You don't do me right
Why you do me wrong when the rope gets tight?
When the rope gets tight
When the rope gets tight
When the rope gets tight

Oh gal, oh gal, with your darkened heart
Kindle the wood and prepare to start
Just don't fail me now
Just don't fail me now
You don't do me right
You don't do me right
Why you do me wrong when the rope gets tight?
When the rope gets tight
When the rope gets tight
When the rope gets tight
When the rope gets tight

Alphabetical Order

  • A (1504)